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Saturday, 16 November 2013

Ron Paul We Ought To Face The Consequences Of Our Spending

Ron Paul We Ought To Face The Consequences Of Our Spending 

Former Rep. Ron Paul, (R-TX), provides his take on the Fed and what a taper could mean for the future of the economy and markets.

“I would always make the case that continuing the addiction of spending and deficits, printing money, manipulating the economy is much, much worse than taking your medicine, which would mean that you got to quit and you just can’t wean it off. So I would say you ought to face the consequences. But that won’t happen unless people decide what kind of government they want. If they want government where we have a military that police the world and we have an endless welfare state, you can’t do that. That’s why nobody should expect anything to come of this other than stalemate. That’s what’s going to happen.”

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